The Hidden Cost of PTO (and the Hidden Savings You Might Find)

Discover how your PTO program might be costing your company money and learn how you might be able to change those costs into savings.


When it comes to paid time off (PTO), the most significant cost for companies is their liability. Accrued PTO liabilities can be substantial and grow each year as base compensation levels rise and PTO requests fall. In other words, the less PTO employees use, the more it costs companies. 

In this ebook, we dive into the hidden costs associated with PTO and how your company can avoid them. With PTO requests on the decline, your company might have more to do than you might think. 

In this ebook you'll:

  • Understand what PTO liability is and how you can calculate it for your business
  • Discover different methodologies for helping to reduce PTO liability without sacrificing employee benefits
  • Receive a full PTO utilization analysis from a current customer


Ready to uncover the hidden cost of PTO and start experiencing savings? Download your free copy of our ebook today and take the first step towards managing your PTO liability.